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Markant Office & InSync: a partnership that redefines recruitment boundaries

In this case study you will find: 

How we reduced Markant's hiring time

The strategies we used to propose their first candidate in 3 days

How we reduced their hiring costs by 37% 

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Seeking quality in a time-consuming recruitment landscape

Before joining forces with InSync, Markant Office faced significant challenges in its recruitment process. Finding qualified candidates for key positions was a time-consuming and costly endeavor, impacting operational efficiency and productivity.

Faced with the complexity of the recruitment landscape and the need to meet high-quality standards, it became clear that an innovative solution was required.



Excessive costs 

Quality standards challenge


The results achieved highlight our progress and success, with more milestones expected and counting.

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Speed, efficiency, and quality

We revolutionized Markant Office's recruitment process, blending traditional strategies with our innovative job board and strategic job postings. Leveraging our advanced software and extensive candidate network, we met Markant's unique needs quickly and efficiently.

Our holistic approach not only sped up the onboarding but also cut the time-to-hire by 40%, thanks to our effective screening and seamless collaboration.

Our commitment to transparent and fair pricing gave Markant Office control over recruitment costs, leading to significant savings without compromising quality.

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TIMELINE: From onboarding to results

This timeline highlights the accelerated onboarding journey, showcasing how we reduced the time from initial introduction to full team integration.

January 2 - Initial briefing

InSync receives the initial briefing from Markant Office. The candidate selection process begins immediately, utilizing advanced recruitment software and an extensive candidate network.

January 5 - Presentation of candidates

Just three days after the briefing, InSync presents the first qualified candidates to Markant Office, demonstrating a quick and efficient response to their needs.

February 5 - Successful filling of key positions

Three key positions, including Sales Support, Account Manager, and Senior Buyer, are successfully filled, highlighting the versatility and depth of InSync's capabilities.

Results that speak

The partnership swiftly improved recruitment outcomes, from quicker vacancy filling and cost reduction to a superior candidate quality and streamlined process.

Our collaboration not only accelerated hiring and enhanced efficiency, but also secured a strategic edge in talent management through significant savings.

Together, we make your recruitment process more efficient.

About InSync

Over the past few years we've built 300+ partnerships, created a talentpool
with over 50.000+ candidates, and been able to decrease our time-to-hire of 4-7 weeks.

Backed by industry leaders

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