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Challenges in expanding a financial powerhouse

Ebury, a premier financial services firm, was on a mission to accelerate its growth. Their goal was to hire skilled Business Developers with deep financial knowledge to conquer new markets. Additionally, we assisted them in entering and expanding within the Dutch and Belgian markets.

However, Ebury encountered hurdles: the urgency to scale their salesforce, the difficulty in finding candidates who could effectively communicate Ebury's value, and the scarcity of resources to recruit multiple specialized roles.


Rapid expansion

Candidate articulation

Resource scarcity


The results achieved highlight our progress and success, with more milestones expected and counting.

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Efficiency in financial recruitment

We revolutionized Ebury's recruitment strategy, leveraging a combination of direct outreach to potential candidates and strategic advertising across key platforms.

Our targeted approach, informed by an in-depth analysis of the financial sector's talent pool, aligned perfectly with Ebury’s stringent criteria, delivering precisely the right candidates swiftly and efficiently.

By focusing on candidates who not only had the required financial expertise but also resonated with Ebury’s distinct culture and ambitious goals, we significantly shortened the path to hire. This not only filled positions faster but also ensured that each new hire was a seamless fit, contributing to Ebury’s objectives from day one.


TIMELINE: From onboarding to results

This timeline showcases the swift journey from understanding Ebury's needs to integrating new talent into their team:

March 2022 - Initial briefing

We swiftly grasped Ebury's intricate requirements, understanding the depth of expertise needed across various levels, from senior to medior roles. This comprehensive understanding allowed us to tailor our search strategy, ensuring a focused approach to find the right mix of talent.

March 2022 - Presentation of candidates

Just days after the briefing, we showcased our agility by introducing potential hires to Ebury. Our selection reflected a broad spectrum of candidates, demonstrating our rapid response and ability to access a diverse talent pool quickly.

March 2023 - Successful filling of key positions

Within 12 months, Ebury welcomed 12 Business Developers, each bringing a unique set of skills tailored to their market expansion plans. This group, a strategic blend of senior leaders and dynamic mediors, was pivotal in strengthening Ebury's capacity to explore new markets and opportunities.

Results that speak

Our work with Ebury went beyond filling jobs. We helped them beat their hiring goals and grow stronger in their market. By finding the right mix of  Business Developers, we showed how smart hiring can make a big difference.

This shows we can create recruitment plans that really work, helping our clients do better than just meeting their targets. Together, we're making hiring simpler and more effective.

About InSync

Over the past few years we've built 300+ partnerships, created a talentpool
with over 50.000+ candidates, and been able to decrease our time-to-hire of 4-7 weeks.

Backed by industry leaders

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